- IFP warrants to the original purchaser of its products that the products are free from defects in manufacturing and material, when operated under normal conditions and in accordance with accepted IFP and/or industry recommended.
- Defined as consumers in the Magnuson-Moss Warranty-Federal Trade Commission Act. This limited warranty extends only to the origins non-consumer purchaser of the product and Is not transferable.
This warranty shall be in effect for a period of 24 months from the starting date of service but not to exceed 36 months from the date of sale.
- To be eligible for warranty consideration, all product items must be covered by acceptable documentation and received at IFP warehouse within (3) months of the date of claim according to the requirements of the IFP Returned Goods Policy, which is considered to be part of this limited warranty.
- This warranty shall not apply to products which, in sole judgement of IFP, have been inadequately maintained or shelf-preserved, subjected to contamination, negligert handling, improper installation, tampering or unauthorized disassembly. This warranty is expressly in lieu of any other warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular period. purpose and of any other obligations or liability on the part of IFP. The purchaser is solely responsible for determining suitability for use. IFP nether assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with a new product. IFP shall not be liable, under any circumstances.
- For any loss of profits or any other contingent. consequential, or special damages. Specifically. IFP shall not be responsible for the cost of removal of the product, damages due to removal, or any other costs marred in shipping the product to and from the plant a manufacure, or incurred in the installation of the repaired or replaced product… Outside labour / transport is not covered by IFP warranty.
- Liability under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement at IFP option, of the products determined to be defective won examination and to be within the warranty. This warranty policy does not provide for a refund Cr credit for defective material. Repaired or Replacement product items shell be covered by the terms of this warranty on a Prorated time Basis, which reduces the warranty period by the amount of time the original product was in service.